With Sophie McAlister

We caught up with Naarm DJ Sophie Mcalister to talk all things life, music, and living the human condition. Words by Mish Walkeden. Images by Sophie Mcalister Instagram


Tell us a bit about your life at the moment…


I have been based in Berlin for the last 3 months. Trying to push this DJ thing.


When did you discover you had a passion for music, and what were your driving influences?


I started my obsession from the early age of 5, taking up violin and piano. My family moved to Laos where I continued my Suzuki training. There wasn’t a whole lot going on in Vientiane for a curious teenager. I kept myself stimulated by digging for music and noodling around with instruments… I had to forgo the lessons when I moved to boarding school in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It wasn’t until I relocated to Bali and Melbourne when I started dabbling with the electronic music scene, as a promoter then as a DJ… I think the restricted access to a music scene in my early years only crystallised my desire to be a part of one later on. Moving around a lot also formed this confused sense of belonging and ongoing craving to be a part of a community..


How would you describe your music style? And is there a certain type of music you enjoy personally?


Anything with a fat bottom and a pretty top. I mostly play electronic music, spanning all sorts of sounds and genres. I like House, Techno, Bass, Electro, Post-Punk, Dub to Jungle. Stylistically, anything with “girth” haha…


Do you play any instruments? 


Not as much as I used to. I’ll sometimes play the piano and try to learn some Stevie Wonder or Chick Corea… I have some hardware I sometimes play around with and record some ideas into Ableton. Completing these ideas is the next step…


Where do you source your music? Has your style changed over the years?


YouTube, blogs & Discogs were my first resources but I can’t afford to buy records online all the time. Bandcamp all the way. It’s cooler to support the artists and independent labels directly. My style is always evolving and I continue to surprise myself with the music I consume.


What are your key influences in your music, and what inspires you in life in general? 


I think I’m most influenced by my feelings. Ranging from joy to pain. I can play something that’s uplifting and sexy, or sometimes I’ll play something sad and contemplative (referring to my Sooky La-La mixtape out on Best Effort). Just out here living the human condition I guess. Not every day is a party, so once a year I like to channel the bad times into a Sooky La-La mix… This year’s sad song selection is imminent… DJs and producers I am loving at the moment, are Ben UFO, Danielle, Livwutang, Big Ever, Cousin, Üllar Siir and Chloe Robinson. I’m subscribed to everything they do. 


Tell us about your early days and how you came to be where you are now...


I played a lot more soul and boogie in my early days, trying to emulate my peers and formative inspirations. Keeping up an impressive record collection was out of reach for me… Naturally, I diversified with time. I’ve spent many days reading liner notes at work, discovering old gems and new artists simultaneously. I always try to weave the past and present together. The two coexist harmoniously in my collection so I try to convey that through all my outputs.  

My “sound” is always subject to change and I’m open to it evolving even further. This is why I struggle to define and limit myself to the genre. I love everything. I’ll play anything with soul, and girth haha.


Tell us about some meaningful milestones to date - favourite gigs, career highlights ….


Getting a job at Northside Records, really is the best job in the world. Supporting some of my favourite artists, Azymuth & Maros Valle. Doing my first round of international shows last year, was pretty surreal.


Where do you find inspiration and creative influence?


People & their surroundings. I learn something new when I am playing to different crowds and meeting new people. I’ll always play a different set depending on the energy felt on the day or in the room. My influences change a lot and so do my environments. I think the best challenge is to always refresh your sound and approach in response to your surroundings. 


Outside of music, what are your other passions? 


I love food and I love to travel and I love to travel for food… I’m not great at preparing food but I am really good at appreciating it haha.


What does a normal day look like for you?


During the week in Melbourne I spend most of my time behind the counter at Northside records. I live so close so I can walk my dog to work, hang out with Chris Gill (Northside’s front man) and exchange store banter with customers. We often host in store events for new local releases and sneaky desk performances / signings with international artists. Lots of planning and setting up is involved, but always so worth it when the most wholesome crowd pulls up everytime. Such a nice community space to work in. Chris always says we’re “nurturing the future funk flowers” in the scene and I just love that so much. He really is a pillar of community.

Weekends typically consist of me scrambling some music together.


What is most challenging about being a DJ?


My internal dialogue and motivation. I get in my head a lot, and I sometimes sabotage myself and my direction. I also find the socialising aspect to be quite overwhelming. It’s important to block out some solo time to recalibrate the senses…


What advice would you give someone wanting to follow in your footsteps? 


Be patient and open-minded to the changes you WILL go through. I like to use the analogy of trying on different jackets until the right one fits. I’m still searching for mine…


What’s next for Sophie McAlister?


Produce my own music!! It’s a dream of mine to release my own record…

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